It’s National Invasive Species Week
February 20-26th, 2023
What a great time to get out and pull, chop, smother, etc those invasives in your yard!
While it can feel totally overwhelming dealing with runaway-outta-control plant species, here are five simple things you can do to get started:
Spend some time learning what the biggest offenders in your area are. A great resource for folks in North Carolina is The NC Invasive Plant Council.
Just as importantly, learn which native plants are best suited to fill in where you are clearing out those invasives. There are a ton of great resource on that front in the GFLP Learning Center.
Stop buying invasive species at your local garden center. Go a step further - ask your local nursery to stop selling them.
Spend 2-3 hours a week clearing our invasives on your property or join a local group doing this on community property. The heros in our area are the Kudzu Warriors and Conserving Carolina.
Support Organizations who are promoting the removal of invasives and the planting of natives. One of our favorites we invite you to learn more about is Homegrown National Park. Here are just a few of their graphics that are helping to spread the word.