Biodiversity and Your Garden

When our community thinks about Conserving Carolina one of the main things that might come to mind is “land conservation”. While this is indeed a core principle and mission of this organization, the work, outreach and message they share is about so much more!

For example, you can discover lots of great content and new ideas via the Habitat at Home feature on their website. In the latest article, Bringing Biodiversity and It’s Benefits to Your Garden, Americorp Communications and Education Associate Mattie Mann shares a message close to our hearts here at the Gardening for Life Project.

“The word biodiversity gets thrown around a lot. We have heard time and time again how biodiversity is important and beneficial to ecosystems, but something we don’t hear enough about is how biodiversity can benefit US. This makes it even more enticing, doesn’t it? We as gardeners, farmers, land owners, plant lovers, all benefit from biodiversity every day. Bringing it to our own practices is not as complicated as it seems.” …

Mattie goes on to share the following quote:

You don’t have to save biodiversity for a living, but you can save it where you live. And you should.
— Doug Tallamy

Click here to read the entire article, which beautifully sums up why our community volunteers are excited to share Doug Tallamy’s message of hope with our community. It is all happening March 4th when Doug comes to town for the Gardening For Life Celebration here in Polk County, NC. We hope you will join us and too, support the great work of Conserving Carolina.


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